
Our corporate governance framework supports our performance objectives, promotes best practice and helps us meet internationally recognised standards.

Governance Objectives:

  • Support a performance-driven global business focused on growth.
  • Ensure operational flexibility through a “delicate-touch” central         management approach that empowers individuals at local level.
  • Promote transparency and accountability in all operational aspects.


Ntsele Global is managed through a network of regional offices. Our subsidiaries are led by Chief Operational Officers and management, with a clear understanding of issues on the ground.

Our regional executives have the flexibility to engage customers, clients and stakeholders directly. This is balanced with rigorous oversight, provided by effective information systems, comprehensive reporting and close internal audit of our operations.

Most operational decisions are made at subsidiary and regional level, however, key strategic and commercial direction is centralised at group level.

Ntsele Global’s short reporting lines foster a dynamic culture of swift-decision making as all internal stakeholders are clear on their roles and responsibilities.

Compliance & Audit Committee

The committee meets every quarter to review group compliance and audit procedures, audit plans and our risk management framework.

The Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operations Officers & group executives are invited to present themselves to the audit committee.

Management Systems & Processes

Our business is managed and led through centrally co-ordinated functions, permeating through to all subsidiaries and all regions where Ntsele Global has a presence.

To realise success, we empower local employees and manage local risk.

Our risk management framework sets out procedures that are followed by all our group subsidiaries and operational companies. It ensures risk management across our business.